If we avoid regular dental checkups, we not only do our oral health a disservice, we’ll also spend more money on dental health care in the long run to treat those problems that develop from not keeping up the preventative dental maintenance with regular dental checkups & exams.
When the necessary preventative dental maintenance is ignored, and we fail to take care of our teeth, the problems that develop will certainly require more than just a simple dental checkup, exam, cleaning, and x-rays. What starts off as a tiny speck of tooth decay that could have been addressed with a routine dental filling, without attention could sooner rather than later lead to total tooth loss. Sacramento dentist, Dr. Arben Celaj, gives us an overview of what to expect for your next dental checkup, exam, & cleaning.
Meet Your Sacramento Tooth Specialist – The Dental Hygienist
Dental hygienists are there on the front lines of tooth decay and gum disease, often being the first ones to spot potentially pervasive palate problems.
Dental patients usually see the hygienist a lot more than the dentist, and that’s a good thing!
If our dental hygienists start seeing signs of tooth decay or gum disease during a regular exam and checkup, we’ll be seeing a lot more of our Sacramento dentist and that must mean our checkups have gone from routine to requiring more serious work.
We count on our trusted Sacramento dental hygienists to clean our teeth free of plaque and tartar buildup, and give us a sparkling smile-invigorating tooth polish.
Sacramento Dentist Talks Checkups & Exams
Before our teeth are cleaned and polished, we will most likely get a set of dental x-rays. Dental x-rays aren’t done for every exam or checkup but usually about once a year or so your Sacramento dentist will make sure you’re up to date. Our hygienists are qualified to read dental x-rays to spot potential warning signs before they do irreparable harm to our teeth and gums. If any signs of tooth decay or gum disease are found during our dental checkup, you can rest assured our dental hygienists will report the findings to your Sacramento dentist.
During a normal dental exam and checkup here at our Sacramento dentist office, Dr. Celaj will also examine your teeth visually and ask a few questions about the current state of your dental health. At this point it is equally important to voice any concerns you may have about your own oral health, and to keep up with our regular biannual dental checkups and exams.
The more we see our Sacramento dentist, the less poor dental health will cost us in the future!
Sacramento Dentist: Checkups & Exams are Key to Prevention
We are currently scheduling “Back to School” appointments, and have both midweek and Saturday dental appointments available. Call us today at (916) 488-1933.
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